*** What is Electric current gives its S.I Unit ?
Current :- The rate of electrical charge through any transaction is called Current.
i = Q/t
i = ne/t
* S.I Unit is " ampere ".
* It is a Scalar.
*** Define current density ?
Current density : - Current for unit area is called Current density.
J = i/A
* S.I Unit amp/ meter square.
* It is a Vector.
*** State Ohm's law ? Write its Mathematical form ?
Ohm's law :- At Constant temperature the potential difference between the two point of the conductor is directly proportional to current.
* " V " directly proportional to " i ".
* V= iR
* R = V/i
:: Where " R " is called Resistance.
*** What is Resistance give its unit ?
Resistance :- The Property of the conductor which opposes flow of current is called Resistance.
( OR )
The ratio of electric potential to current passing through the conductor is called Resistance.
R = r/i
* S.I Unit " Ohm ".
*** What are ohmic conductors ?
Ans :- The conductors which are obeys ohms law are called ohmic conductors.
Example:- Metals
*** What are Non Ohmic conductors ?
Ans :- The conductors which are doesn't obeys ohms law are called Non Ohmic conductors.
Example :- Insulaters, Semiconductor, thermistor.
*** Define resistivity (or) specific resistance ?
Ans :- The resistance of a conductor of unit length and unit cross sectional are is called specific resistance (or) resistivity.
ρ = RA/l
* S.I Unit " ohm.m " .
*** What is Conductance ? Give its S.I Unit?
Conductance (G) :- The reciprocal of resistance is Called Conductance.
G= 1/R
* S.I Unit " Mho " (or) " simen ".
*** What is Conductivity ? Give its S.I Unit ?
Conductivity :- The reciprocal of resistivity is called conductivity.
σ = 1/ρ
* S.I Unit " Mho/m " (or) " simen/m ".